Note: Varun Sridhar has transitioned from the institute (alumni).
My primary area of interest is in design and fabrication of new materials and morphology for synthetic microswimmers. I would like to combine these new swimmers with various fuels like light, enzymes and catalytically driven ones to improve the efficiency of swimmers in non-toxic environments. I am also interested in imparting sensing capabilities to the synthetic swimmers and studying their behavior. Currently I am working on using light as a fuel for these microswimmers.
- MSc Functional Advanced Materials and Engineering(Erasmus Mundus) (2014-2015)- Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
- MSc Functional Advanced Materials and Engineering(Erasmus Mundus) (2013-2014)- Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble, France .
- B.E. Materials Science and Engineering (2009-2013)– College of engineering, Anna University Chennai, India.