Paul Wrede
Ph.D Student
Heisenbergstr. 3
70569 Stuttgart Stuttgart
Paul Wrede received his B.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Technical University of Chemnitz. In 2021 he received his M.Sc in Biomedical Technologies from the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. He worked from 2017-2019 at the IFW Dresden, where he did research on synthetic chemical propelled microrobots as well as sperm-bots. After a one year research stay at ETH Zurich he joned our institute as part of the CLS PhD program. Paul aims to design microscale robots to revolutionize the treatment and diagnosis of diseases. Besides designing the next generation of smart microrobots he is especially interested in visualizing these tiny man-made machines in-vivo. Consequently, his research interests include microrobotics, bioimaging, and micro/nanotechnologies as well as personalized medicin.