Physical Intelligence
Birgül Akolpoglu selected to join the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Birgül Akolpoglu selected to join the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

The doctoral researcher from the Physical Intelligence Department at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart, is one of 635 young scientists from across the world who are given the opportunity to participate in a week of scientific exchange with some of the world’s greatest minds.

Birgül Akolpoglu ETH Zürich Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting


pi sg Birgül Akolpoglu
Birgül Akolpoglu
Scientific Project Manager & Robotics Institute Germany (RIG) Coordinator
pi Metin Sitti
Metin Sitti
Guest Researcher
Linda Behringer
Public Relations Officer