Magnetically assisted soft milli-tools for occluded lumen morphology detection
Author(s): | Yan, Yingbo and Wang, Tianlu and Zhang, Rongjing and Liu, Yilun and Hu, Wenqi and Sitti, Metin |
Journal: | Science Advances |
Volume: | 9 |
Number (issue): | 33 |
Pages: | eadi3979 |
Year: | 2023 |
Month: | August |
Department(s): | Physical Intelligence |
Bibtex Type: | Article (article) |
Paper Type: | Journal |
DOI: | DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi3979 |
BibTex @article{yan2023magnetically, title = {Magnetically assisted soft milli-tools for occluded lumen morphology detection}, author = {Yan, Yingbo and Wang, Tianlu and Zhang, Rongjing and Liu, Yilun and Hu, Wenqi and Sitti, Metin}, journal = {Science Advances}, volume = {9}, number = {33}, pages = {eadi3979}, month = aug, year = {2023}, doi = {DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi3979}, month_numeric = {8} } |